 #   It is recommended to test the script on a local machine for its purpose and effects. 
 #   ManageEngine Endpoint Central will not be responsible for any 
 #   damage/loss to the data/setup based on the behavior of the script.

 #   Description: Script is designed To Enable / Disable the Turn-off multicast name resolution
 #   Configuration Type - COMPUTER
 #   Refer: https://admx.help/?Category=Windows_10_2016&Policy=Microsoft.Policies.DNSClient::Turn_Off_Multicast
 #   Note:  If the registry changes but is not reflected, the customer should check with Windows support for assistance.

 # Define registry hive and path
$regHive = "HKLM:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\DNSClient"
$valueName = "EnableMulticast"
$valueData = 0  # 0 for enabled, 1 for disabled Hardcode here

# Check if the registry path exists, if not, create it
if (-not (Test-Path $regHive)) {
    Write-Host "Registry path does not exist. Creating registry path..."
    New-Item -Path "HKLM:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT" -Name "DNSClient" -Force

# Set the registry value
Set-ItemProperty -Path $regHive -Name $valueName -Value $valueData -Type DWord

# Output the new value to confirm the change
Write-Host "The registry value '$valueName' has been set to $(Get-ItemProperty -Path $regHive -Name $valueName).$valueName"